Concrete Industry Foundation

“To ensure funding for education and research
to foster and expand an enduring
concrete-built environment.”

The Concrete Industry Foundation (CIF), Inc., now in its 26th year, was originally established in 1993, became a foundation in 2005 and continues as an independent and freestanding 501(c)3 foundation. The CIF is dedicated to education that contributes to the concrete-built environment. Its work is supported by contributions from the design and construction industry. Significant contributions come from those leaders involved in the many phases of concrete design and production.


The CIF traditionally presents two annual industry recognition awards to acknowledge the leadership roles taken by individual members of our concrete community that further our industry through continuing education. The CIF Humanitarian Medal is presented “for dedication to the industry, community, and society (resulting) in outstanding benefit to future generations.” The James Anderson Distinguished Service Award for Education is awarded “to acknowledge exceptional service to the education of future members of our industry.”

In addition, the Concrete Industry Foundation has established and continues to support an annual grant in union apprentice programs. This is done on a rotational schedule for all trades that have a direct association with concrete construction. The CIF affirms its support of the trade unions’ apprentice programs and readily acknowledges that a high level of training is a most important vehicle in supplying our industry with trained craftspersons. These grants recognize one of labor’s significant contributions both to education and to the industry.

The Concrete Industry Foundation is built on the concept of volunteerism. It has no paid staff. It is a totally volunteer effort involving the considerable and diverse talents of dedicated senior professionals. They all share a common bond: a desire to aid future generations of bright, talented, motivated, and equally dedicated future leaders. Since 1996, when CIF awarded its first scholarships, each award has been funded and continues to be funded without touching the foundation’s inviolate principal. While always looking ahead, the Concrete Industry Foundation’s focus is also on the student experience today.

At the discretion of the Board of Directors, the following scholarships and grants may be awarded annually:

The Francis J. and Lee J. Principe Scholarship in memory of Virginia Anne Principe

The Alfred Gerosa Scholarship

The Concrete Industry Board Scholarship

The Jack W. Weber Scholarship

The Gustav Erlemann Scholarship

The Frank Principe Scholarship for Industry Interns

The Joseph DePaola Grant

The Dominick & Josephine DeSimone Scholarship

The Raymond Heun Scholarship for Members of the Cement League

The Limbardo Scholarship

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